Let’s roll our sleeves up!
Always wanted to do something to improve the area you live in? Then this is your chance to get started through the 2019 Residents’ Initiatives scheme. As a resident of Maastricht, you can apply for funding to help make your idea a reality. The grant is intended to boost social involvement in a street, neighbourhood, or district. You can apply for a maximum of €3,000 per initiative. The closing date for applications is 15 December 2019.
How does it work?
Residents can come up with suggestions, ideas, and initiatives to help make their neighbourhood more attractive, more functional, or safer. It is important to be aware that you can only apply for a budget for activities that increase social involvement in your area and for things that benefit multiple residents. You will not receive a grant for just holding a gathering and covering the costs of food and drink. We only award one grant for each initiative. That means you can’t get a new grant to repeat the initiative in a later year. The municipality will check whether an initiative or activity is feasible, whether it meets the conditions, and that it is not contrary to any laws or a risk to public order. It is also important that your initiative does not prompt any large-scale resistance in your immediate surroundings (such as a dog-walking area or a hangout).
Malberg, Mariaberg, and Amby have already received grants:
Malberg for Buurtbistro Manjefiek (a neighbourhood ‘bistro’) where locals can meet and eat with other residents, with affordable meals prepared by fellow residents
Mariaberg for its resident help team, helping residents with a need for care
Amby for the improvement of quality of life, solidarity, and social contacts in a residential complex for older people.
What do you need to do?
You should submit your application via post@maastricht.nl marked for the attention of ‘team Welzijn, Zorg, Gezondheid en Zelfsturing’(the Welfare, Care, Health and Self-Management team), quoting the ‘Bewonersinitiatief 2019’ (2019 Residents’ Initiatives scheme).
Here you can download the ‘Publicatie Regeling bewonersinitiatieven 2019’ (Publication on the Residents’ Initiatives Regulations 2019). This document contains more information about the objective of the scheme, the conditions, and the application procedure.
The process
After receiving your application, you will be contacted by the municipality as soon as possible.
It is important that you coordinate the application effectively with other residents in your street/neighbourhood/city district. You can record this by means of a list of signatures.
Useful links
If your idea relates only to greenery in the area, you should first take a look at the ‘Groen-Maastricht’ (Green Maastricht) website for further information.
Any questions?
A whole team of people is on hand to provide you with additional information.
Albert Albers, contactable at albert.albers@maastricht.nl
Rieneke Soumete, contactable at rieneke.soumete@maastricht.nl
Pieter van der Waa, contactable at pieter.van.der.waa@maastricht.nl
Mariëlle Munnecom, contactable at marielle.munnecom@maastricht.nl
Rietje Creusen, contactable at rietje.creusen@maastricht.nl